Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 5 The Serpent's Curse

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring;
 he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."   Gen 3:15 ESV

The preparation for the coming of the Lord begins at the dawn of time, with the story of Adam and Eve.
When Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit,  God punished them by casting them out of Eden.  But before he punished them, He punished  the Serpent, who was really Satan in disguise.
God's cursed serpent by making him crawl on his belly and eat dust for the rest of his life.   That is why serpents crawl along the ground.  Vestigial leg bones are still found in modern serpents.  But it wasn't really the serpent who was being cursed, but the demonic spirit who had taken residence in the serpent--Satan himself. 
God placed an "enmity"--that is a symbol of rejection or hostility--between people and the serpent.  But it isn't the dumb animal we call a serpent who is the real target. Rather, God has caused something to stand as a guard between Satan and the human race. 
This enmity God describes will be a person--the seed of the woman.  This is not the usual way of talking about offspring in the Bible. In other places, children are called the seed of the man, not the woman. The only way a  child would be called the seed of a woman were if no man were involved in his conception--in other words, a virgin birth! 
So God promises that a human child, a male person, would come from a woman alone and would stand between Satan and all humanity.  This person would be bruised on the heel by the Satan, but would crush the head of Satan--in other words, destroy him.
This  verse is called by a special name protoevangelion--or First Gospel. From then on, humanity came to hope for a promised time when this seed of woman would reveal Himself and destroy the works of Satan. The suffering caused by Satan would not endure forever, but would disappear when the seed of the woman would be revealed.
In time, this seed of the woman was given a name--the messiah, which means the anointed one.  He would be a God's answer to the problems of the world.  This messiah would suffer--his heel would be bruised-- but through that suffering He would win a great victory that would reverse the conditions that were caused by sin and the Fall.
This prophecy was fulfilled in Christ.  He was born of a virgin, and grew to become a great man on the earth. He was bruised in the heel in his crucifixion; but with his resurrection, He  crushed the head of Satan and gave us freedom from his power.
The messiah's work was complete, but its effects are not yet fully realized. Satan still bruises us, through lies, temptations, and persecutions.  But his power is waning. Christ's victory is becoming clearer.  Now, when we are pressured by the evil one,  we can find relief and rest in Christ. 
We were hopeless and helpless in our sins--but not anymore. We are no longer imprisoned by Satan's lies. Don't ever give up hope, because God will bring the victory in the end.

"Dear God, help us to keep our hope, when times look hopeless. You have crushed the power of the Evil One, and have set us free. Help us to live in that freedom through Christ our Savior.  Amen."