Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve The Lad\st Night of the World

"And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn"  Luke 2:6-7   ESV

When we pick up the Bible, the first thing we notice is that the book is arranged in two sections--the Old Testament and the New Testament.  The Bible is one continuous story, but it breaks into two pieces, with the coming of Christ. The Old Testament predicts His coming.  The New Testament fulfills that prediction.  The Old Testament promises--the New Testament delivers.  
History breaks at this same place.  BC becomes AD.   One minute before we stand in one world.  One minute after,  we stand in another.  Christ is the continental divide of history.
Christmas reminds us of that night when history changed.  It was the end of one world.  It was the beginning of another. 
The way we look at Christmas can change our whole lives.  If we get the message of the day, it will transform us.  If we miss the message, if we remain stuck in the old world,  it will mean nothing.  What we do with Christmas will change our whole lives.
The vast majority of the inhabitants of Bethlehem in Mary and Joseph's time did not understand this.  The night Jesus was born was just another night to them.  There was nothing to indicate that it was the last night of their world. 
On the last night of the world, there were beggars in the streets, as there were every night. 
On the last night of the world, soldiers kept watch from the guard towers around the city.  They watched the same fields the shepherds did, yet no angels appeared to them.  They never saw the angels.
On the last night of the world,  there were  drunks on the street,  just like every other night. Tavern keepers keep late hours, serving those miserable souls who try to drown out their pain with the bottle.  It never works. There are those who think they can’t go through the day, or sleep through the night without some kind of chemical assistance.
On the last night of the world, bartenders and shopkeepers cleaned their shops. Thieves in the hills met to divide their spoils.   Priests in the temple went about early morning ministrations.   All these people were awake when the shepherds were awake, but they never heard the angels. If they did hear the angels, they paid no attention.  They were busy.  Who has time to go outside and see what the noise is all about? Business is business. They had no time to stop what they were doing to  see what was going on. 
What we do for a living is not more important than living. Suppose Jesus were to come today?  Would you leave your occupation to meet Him?  On the last night of the old world,  business was king.  On the first day of the new world,  Jesus was king.  We must sometimes leave the one to see the other.
There were some--the shepherds, for example--who left their business and found the Lord. They were the ones who heard the “glad tidings of great joy” 
In the world before Christ, there were divisions between people of different countries, races, and social structures. But in the new world, these differences disappeared.   God summoned worshippers from all over the world to join at the manger--wise men came from the east, for example.  The divisions between Jew and Gentile were over.  Now, we join in a new world, under a single Savior.  When the old world dies, the new  one begins.  

 If peace is ever to  come to our world, it will not come through political reform or social reform. It won't come because of the latest scientific breakthrough, either. . It will come when each of us lets Christ into our hearts, and we join the new world where He reigns supreme.  When Jesus comes to us, He brings a new world with Him..
On which side of Christmas do you live?  Are you in the old world, or the new? Have you surrendered your life to Him? Have you been to the manger?  Have you been to the Cross?  If you have not,  come this day to Him.   He has already come for you.

"Jesus, in your coming you have begun a new world. Let me live in the light of Your presence, and rejoice in my part of that new world.  In Jesus' name, Amen."