Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 34 The Star over Bethlehem

After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. Matt 2:9-10  ESV

Bethlehem is just four miles from Jerusalem--a little over an hour's walk away. The Magi had already been traveling for  around eighteen months.  What's another hour  or so?
But as close as they were, they were not close enough.  When they got to Bethlehem they needed further guidance. 
The scribes  had already told them that the Messiah would be in Bethlehem, but  Bethlehem had a population of about six hundred people, with about hundreds of homes and cottages.  The Messiah was in one of them, but which one?  If they asked around,  they would might attract the wrong kind of attention.  Herod's men were no doubt following them. They needed to find the Christ Child discreetly, without causing a fuss. They needed guidance, but they needed to say as anonymous as possible.
God provided the answer. When they arrived in town,  they simply kept following the star.  They saw it rest over the house where Mary and Joseph were living. 
The Magi's problem was similar to the problem that we have often. We know the general direction that God wants us to go, but we still need specific guidance.  Do we take this road or that? Do we marry this person or that?  Do we go to this college or that college?  Knowing the general way is often not enough We want specifics.  God often doesn't tell us until we arrive at the point of decision.
There is no use for us to look for signs.  When God gives a sign it is wonderful, but most of the time God wants us to use our own judgment.  The best thing about God's will for our lives is that we don't need to find it. He finds us. God's will is not as easily missed as we think. God makes His will obvious at the right time.
In the case of the Magi, they found the right path by doing four things.
First, they relied on His Word.  The scribes in Jerusalem told them the Christ child would be in Bethlehem, and they went  to Bethlehem. When we follow what the Word says, God will give us grace to go the rest of the way. But if we ignore what God is saying in His written Word, we will soon become hopelessly lost.
Second, they asked for guidance from God. The Bible doesn't specifically say they prayed about it, but we know they must have prayed.  If God could send a sign that would lead them eighteen months over the desert, surely He could be trusted to lead them for the short distance to the right house.  They kept relying on God and they found Him.
Third, the followed the light they had already been given.  They didn't seek for additional guidance, but simply followed the same star they had been following. God's light shines from the outside. When we see it, we keep going until God shows us a different way.
Fourth, the used their own judgment.  They were astrologers, skilled in celestial navigation.  Most of us could not tell one star from the other, but they could. They checked the positions of stars daily.
We do not know what "the Christmas star" actually was. Some have suggested that it was something obvious, like  a comet, or a supernova. Others suggest, though that the star was just an ordinary planet in a position that would have meant nothing to a casual observer. But these men were not  casual observers. They knew to attach great importance to what they saw because of the training they received. God used  their judgment and skills  to enable them to reveal something of great importance to the whole world.
We find God's path for our lives by a similar process. Study the word. Pray for guidance. Follow the light you have been given. Then use your own best judgment. God will not allow you to go long down the wrong road.  He will patiently help you to find the right one.  Just follow His Word and He will show you the way to Him.

"Father, thank you for guiding me this far in my life. Lead me during this year to study Your Word, so that I may be guided correctly through the coming year. In Jesus' name. Amen."